About Terryl

Terryl Mackey

author, physician, bee keeper, metaphysical wanderer

Hello, and thank you for joining me on my journey! Here’s a little background on me…

I call myself “Gingham Collar.” Why? Well, some people are considered “blue collar” due to their livelihood in the trades. Others are noted to be “white collar” due to a livelihood dependent upon academic credentials. My life has bridged the two.

The Blue Collar refers to my roles as a loving granddaughter of subsistence farmers and an intensely proud daughter of a military father who became a barber and a farmer’s daughter who became a beautician. My first job was in third grade, as a waitress. Subsequently, I worked as a babysitter, started a yard service and housekeeping business, was employed as a department store clerk, and later a clothing salesperson. I was pretty much continuously employed in one of the above jobs through college.

The White Collar refers to my roles as a physician trained in emergency medicine and psychiatry. I kicked aging in the shin when I embarked at fifty on a second career in psychiatry.

The Gingham Collar refers to my life as a synthesis of the blue and the white-collar backgrounds.

My current positions include author, bee keeper, physician, gardener, yoga and yoga dance instructor, Reiki teacher, party animal, and right brained metaphysical wanderer.  Several personal near-death experiences sparked my interest in the adventure of living well and serving others along the way.  As well my experiences unearthed a wonderfully rampant curiosity, increased my “snarkitude” (my coined phrase for seeing the humor in most things that I do, especially my missteps, faults and foibles), and made me awfully grateful to have my Star Ship Terryl  relatively intact along with my fellow life travelers.

“Being young is not an accomplishment. Being old is not a failure. Existence is a continuum. Life fully lived a goal.”

Terryl Mackey © 2023 All rights reserved.

Terryl Mackey © 2023 All rights reserved.